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最新到货“皇家草本天然猫粮 ”三种配方
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  【商品介绍】提供最佳膳食纤维(小麦麸,苹果胶和洋车前子)有助调节血糖,降低胆固醇及增加饱肚感,促进肠道蠕动回复完美体态含丰富鸡肉,营养成份更高,适口性强爱猫理想尿液状态ph6-6.5蛋白质42%,脂肪12%【成分】小麦麸(Wheat bran) :含丰富非水溶性纤维,可帮助增加肠道蠕动苹果胶(Apple pectin):含丰富水溶性纤维,有助调节血糖及降低胆固醇!洋车前子(Psyllium):带有丰富粘性及高密度纤维,帮助整肠通便,及可增加饱肚感,满足食欲。SlimnessComplete adult cat foodto maintain ideal weightenriched with wheat, apple and psyllium active components, and rich in chicken.Available in 300g and 1.5kgWheat branRich in insoluble fibres and wheat bran which helps regulate intestinal transit.Apple pectinApple helps reduce appetite, plus has an active effect on intestinal transit.Psyllium seeds and huskPsyllium seeds are rich in mucilage which absorbs water, helping to satisfy your cat's hunger.Catweight (kg)246Ingredients:dehydrated chicken and turkey meat (min. 16% chicken), whole wheat, wheat gluten, maize gluten, wheat bran, animal fats, hydrolysed liver, white rice, minerals, fish oil, chicory pulp, apple fibre (source of pectin), psyllium husks and seeds (source of mucilage), taurine, marigold extract (source of lutein).Daily recommended quantities (grams/day)306595【商品介绍】含丰富不饱和脂肪酸(OMEGA-3和OMEGA-6)及葡萄多酚(polyphenols)能保护皮肤,滋润毛发,令毛发更浓密

  含丰富鸭肉,营养成份更高,适口性强爱猫理想尿液状态ph6-6.5蛋白质33%,脂肪17%【成分】琉璃苣油(Borage oil ) :含丰富不饱和脂肪酸(OMEGA-6)及高浓度GAMMA-亚麻油酸(GLA),有效改善皮肤质素,令毛发更浓密葡萄籽(Grape seeds):含丰富葡萄多酚(polyphenols)比一般以维他命C和E为主的抗氧化物强20%-50%,更有效保护皮毛健康亚麻籽(Flax seeds):含丰富不饱和脂肪酸(OMEGA-3),能提供ALPHA-亚麻油酸,滋润皮肤和毛发。BeautyComplete adult cat food forcoat beauty and healthenriched with borage oil, grape and linseed active components, and rich in duck.Available in 300g and 1.5kgBorage OilRich in gamma-linoleic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid which has a very postive effect on skin health and coat beauty.Grape SeedsGrape seeds contain polyphenols which help protect the skin against free radicals.LinseedsLinseedis rich in omega 3 and renowned for helping skin stay healthy.Catweight (kg)246Ingredients:dehydrated duck meat (min. 20%), white rice, husked oats, animal fats, wheat bran, wheat gluten, maize gluten, brewer’s yeast, hydrolysed liver, minerals, fish oil, linseed (source of omega 3), chicory pulp, apple fibre, DL-methionine, borage oil (source of omega 6), taurine, grape extracts (source of polyphenols), egg powder, paprika extracts, marigold extract (source of lutein).Daily recommended quantities (g/day)306085新配方的PF3元气四物补,主要以番茄和金盏花增强了抗氧化和保护肝脏关节的功效,比起老版人参配方进步了不少噢~ 这是一款深受香港繁育者推荐的猫粮产品。 作为欧洲知名品牌,皇家的最高端产品,草本天然粮以其卓越的品质和超强的口感享誉欧洲。原产地:法国草本系列天然粮的特点:秉承皇家一直以来的最佳适口性,油份却比皇家普通粮少一半,香酥可口,引发猫咪旺盛的食欲。粮食配方高蛋白低脂肪,切合猫咪最理想的营养摄取比例。粮食颗粒很大,这样可以帮助猫咪磨牙,清洁牙齿,对于波斯异短扁扁脸猫来说进食更加容易。 含有丰富的单一动物性蛋白质,鲜美鱼肉(20%),鱼肉具有非常高的营养价值,鱼肉蛋白可以充分提供一只猫所需的必需胺基酸、维他命及增加适口性。番茄红素:番茄红素含有大量的抗氧化物,具有强力抗氧化效果 可中和自由基,使得细胞免于自由基的伤害,延缓细胞老化。金盏花marigold extract:富含矿物质磷和维生素C,具有止痛、促进伤口愈合的功效,消炎、杀菌、促进血液循环,对于保护消化系统,增强肝脏功能有极佳疗效。绿茶多酚:从绿茶提炼出的精华,含有丰富的多酚类及抗氧化物,能提高对身体的活性,促进新陈代谢并消除体内自由基

