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藏品推荐三年袁大头私铸币 藏品推荐三年袁大头私铸币
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  私铸钱,钱币术语。民间私铸的钱币,私铸钱一般比官炉钱工艺差;从银质到文字都有一些差异。但是存世量极少,现目前流传下来的更为稀少,每一个时区的私铸币都具有极高的历史价值和研究价值,从钱币的制造工艺就能充分的体现当时社会的发展和工艺的改革进步。更能体现中国封建社会货币发行方面难以根治的“顽症”。Private casting money, coin terminology. Private coins, private casting money is generally worse than official furnace money technology; from silver to text there are some differences. However, the existence of coins is very small, and now it is even rarer. The private coins in each time zone have very high historical value and research value. From the manufacturing technology of coins, it can fully reflect the development of society and the reform and progress of technology at that time. It can better reflect the stubborn disease that is difficult to cure in the issue of money in feudal society of China.

  在民国机制币里,有一类被称为‘老私铸’的银元。从字面讲‘私’,既非‘官’版,也就是指非官局铸币厂的东西。最常见的是我们身边那些发黄的,略微粗糙的,克重不足26-27克,多为19-23克的袁大头或晚清龙洋。这样的钱币不是官造,也不是现代的,有老褒浆,有流通痕迹。这即时老私铸银元。当然老私铸也有铜元。In the currency of the Republic of China, there is a kind of silver element known as the "old private casting". It's a non-official 'edition, it's a non-official's coin-casting factory. The most common is the yellow, slightly rough,26-27 grams of the yellow, mostly 19-23 grams of Yuan and the dragon in the late Qing Dynasty. This kind of money is not official, it is not modern, there is old and praise, there is circulation trace. The instant old private cast of silver. Of course, the old private casting also has a copper element.

  而袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。辛亥革命以后,袁世凯就任“临时大总统”之职,后又成为正式大总统。当时,为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为“制宪”和“称帝”作准备,于是发布《国币条例》,毅然决定在全国“统一币制”。Yuan Dadou was one of the main currency in circulation during the Republic of China. "Yuan Dadou" is the spoken name for Yuan Shikai's series of coins, and strictly speaking, it is called "Yuan Shikai like carrying Jiahe Silver coins." After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai assumed the post of interim President, and then became the full President. At that time, in order to consolidate the stability of the domestic political situation and develop the national economy, and to prepare for "constitution-making" and "emperors", the regulations on the State currency were issued and resolutely decided to "unify the currency system" throughout the country.

  清朝灭亡之后,1912年4月袁世凯出任大总统。北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨,同时也想借助货币改制以解决军费问题,便决定铸发国币。袁世凯为了提高自己的统治地位,把他的头像铸于币面,“袁大头”由此而来。After the demise of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai became president in April 1912. In view of the fact that the coins were cast at that time and the banknotes were very complex, the circulation of Chinese and foreign currencies was more than 100 kinds, the circulation was different, the circulation was chaotic, the circulation was tedious, and the people accumulated grievances. At the same time, the Beiyang government also decided to cast national coins with the help of currency restructuring to solve the problem of military expenditure. In order to improve his dominant position, Yuan Shikai cast his head on the currency, and Yuan Daotou came from it.

  民国三年版中的特殊版别The Special Edition in the third edition of the Republic of China

  袁大头签字版此币甚少见,天津造币厂试铸样币,并未流通。该币在袁像右侧刻有一竖行英文字母“L.GioRGi”,是在华外籍铸币专家意大利雕刻师“鲁尔治-乔治”签名缩写。Yuan Datou signed version of this coin is rare, Tianjin Mint trial casting sample coin, is not in circulation. The coin is engraved on the right side of Yuan with a vertical line of the English letter "L.GioRGi", an abbreviation for the Italian sculptor "Ruerzhi George", an expert on foreign coins in China.

  一、袁大头在中国近代币制改革中扮演了一个十分重要的角色,它是我国流传最广、影响的银元First, Yuan Datou played a very important role in the reform of China's modern currency system. It is the most widely spread and influential silver dollar in China.

  二、签字版特征:整币精铸,头发似波浪,线条粗卷,立体感强;肩星凸起,肩章十条线清晰精刻;胸前襟章和绶带立体清晰;背面嘉禾饱满,显著特征是“每”字接近闭口。Second, signature features: whole coin precision casting, hair like waves, thick lines, strong three-dimensional feeling; shoulder star protruding, shoulder seal ten lines clearly engraved; chest flap and ribbon three-dimensional clear; back Jiahe full, marked by the word "each" close to the mouth.

  三、签字版面配普通版背特征:人像面拥有签字版除加签字外的全部特征,背面配普通版的嘉禾面,“每”字是普通版写法,即大开口:Third, the signature page is equipped with the back characteristics of the ordinary version: the portrait surface has all the characteristics of the signed version except the signature, the back side is equipped with the ordinary version of Jiahe face, and the word "every" is written in the ordinary version, that is, the big opening:

  四、民国三年的“袁大头”中,袁世凯“签字版”尤为珍贵,以及袁世凯的左侧面像后颈部位的签字版。由于签字版未曾正式流通使用,所以存世不多,目前市面收藏价值极高。Fourth, in the 1993 "Yuan Daotou", Yuan Shikai's "signature version" was particularly precious, as well as Yuan Shikai's left side of the back neck of the signature version. Because the signed version has not been officially circulated and used, so it does not exist much, and the value of the market collection is very high at present.

  甘肃版民国三年袁大头Gansu Edition Yuan Daotou in the third year of the Republic of China

  “甘肃版民国三年银币”, 正面为袁世凯侧面像,上有“中华民国三年”,左右两侧有“甘肃”两字,钱背面中间币值“壹圆” 周围环嘉禾纹饰。此币系甘肃兰州造币厂沿用民国三年版旧模,在袁像左右加铸“甘肃”两字,其余相同,此币铸制精良,品相俱佳,极为少见。价值极高!The "Gansu edition of the Republic of China three years silver coin" is on the front of Yuan Shikai, with the word "three years of the Republic of China" on the front, the word "Gansu" on the left and right sides, and the decoration around Jiahe around the middle currency on the back of the money. This coin is used by Gansu Lanzhou Mint to use the old model of the Republic of China. The word "Gansu" is cast on the left and right of Yuan Xiang, and the rest is the same. The coin is well-made and has good products, which is extremely rare. It's worth a lot of money!

  民国袁像银币作为研究中国近代革命史和货币史的珍贵实物和依据,受到海内外藏家的争相追逐。 因为在收藏领域,向来对重大历史事件高度敏感的金银币收藏市场,会赋予藏品独特的价值。As a precious object and basis for the study of modern revolutionary history and monetary history of China, Yuan Xiang silver coins in the Republic of China were chased by Tibetans at home and abroad. Because in the collection field, the gold and silver coin collection market, which has always been highly sensitive to major historical events, will give the collection unique value.

  古钱币极具观赏性与历史价值,因此古钱币被藏家们所青睐。近年来,随着钱币收藏热的不断升温,钱币交易非常活跃,各板块精品迭出,精彩依旧!在古玩市场,古钱币的收藏投资正以独特的魅力吸引着广大投资爱好者,各地珍稀钱币成交价稳步提高,尤其是明清民国钱币异军突起,拍卖会也时常传出珍稀古钱币拍卖价格屡创新高的消息,吸引着越来越多的人参与到古钱币的收藏投资中来。Ancient coins are of great appreciation and historical value, so ancient coins are favored by Tibetans. In recent years, with the increasing popularity of coin collection, coin trading is very active, all parts of the boutique, wonderful still! In the antiques market, the collection and investment of ancient coins is attracting the vast number of investment enthusiasts with their unique charm, and the trading prices of rare coins in various places have steadily increased, especially in the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republic of China. Auctions also often come out the news that the auction price of rare ancient coins has repeatedly hit new highs, attracting more and more people to participate in the collection and investment of ancient coins.

  袁大头是民国初期袁世凯出任大总统后统一币制发行的货币。此藏品包含两枚袁大头三年银币,银币正面为袁世凯五分侧面像,上列“中华民国三年”六字,背面两条嘉禾,左右交互,下系结带,中铸‘壹圆’二字。藏品虽然经历了无穷岁月的洗礼,但是如今保存依然较为完好。其色泽光鲜自然,纹饰深浅适度,边缘线条粗细均匀,间距也疏密一致。人像、发丝、胡须、穗芒等细微之处清晰有度,生动自然。此组银币铸工精美,雕工深峻,边齿锐利,光可鉴人,包浆自然,品相完好,为不可多得的收藏佳品。Yuan Datou was the currency issued by the unified currency system after Yuan Shikai became president in the early period of the Republic of China. This collection contains two Yuan Daotou three-year silver coins, the front of which is five-minute side image of Yuan Shikai, listed on the top of the "Republic of China three years" six characters, the back two Jiahe, left and right interaction, the next tie band, cast the word 'one won' in the middle. Although the collection has gone through endless years of baptism, it is still well preserved today. Its color is bright and natural, the decoration depth is moderate, the edge line thickness is uniform, the spacing is also dense and consistent. Figure, hair, beard, ear awn and other subtle places clear, vivid and natural. This group of silver coin casting exquisite, engraving deep, sharp edge teeth, light can be seen, natural pulp, good quality, is a rare collection of good products.